Jain cosmology describes the universe as an eternal, uncreated structure divided into realms.
Jainism teaches that the universe is eternal and operates according to natural laws. Unlike many religious beliefs, Jain cosmology does not include a creator god. Instead, the universe is structured in a way that governs the cycle of birth, death, and liberation.
Jain texts describe the universe as a vast, three-tiered structure:
The abode of celestial beings and divine souls.
The realm of humans, animals, and plants.
Dark realms where souls experience suffering.
Jainism describes time as infinite and cyclical, divided into two half-cycles:
Each cycle lasts for millions of years and continuously repeats.
Above the three realms exists Siddhashila, a pure, blissful zone where liberated souls (Siddhas) reside. These souls are free from karma, suffering, and rebirth.