Karma in Jainism is the subtle energy that binds the soul, determining rebirth and liberation.
Unlike many other religions, Jainism views karma not as divine judgment, but as a physical substance that attaches to the soul due to actions, thoughts, and emotions. This karmic matter influences the cycle of rebirth.
Karma in Jainism is categorized into eight main types, each affecting the soul differently:
According to Jainism, karma binds the soul to samsara (the cycle of rebirth). A soul can be reborn in four possible states:
Souls born in celestial realms due to good karma.
The only birth where liberation is possible.
Souls born in lower forms due to ignorance.
Souls who accumulate negative karma suffer in hell.
Jainism teaches that one can purify the soul and achieve Moksha by following these key practices:
Once all karmic particles are removed, the soul becomes pure and liberated, reaching Siddhashila, the realm of eternal bliss.